We have developed a broad a deep curriculum that has developed our Christian vision and pedagogy for this new decade. Our exciting and innovative cross-curricular projects combine the National Curriculum subjects into immersive and engaging learning experiences. The real-world outcomes allow children to take risks, experience challenge, deal with disappointment and failure, success sand triumph and go on Physical, Mental and Emotional journeys which allow academic progress and development of character.
The entire teaching team work together continuously on curriculum design, this ensures we tailor the curriculum to our children and their needs. We divide our curriculum into manageable termly topic webs that are accessible to all staff members and parents on our website.
The core subjects of the National Curriculum are English, Maths and Science and in a church school RE is also a core subject.
In mathematics we are currently following the White Rose Maths progression and using the resources as a starting point for teaching. The teachers use mastery supplementary resources to support and challenge our learners and complete ongoing interventions for children on a daily basis.
As a United Kingdom Church of England school accountable to Herefordshire Local Authority, we follow the National Curriculum (DfE 2013) and the Herefordshire agreed syllabus for RE.
We use Read write Inc as a Systematic Synthetic Phonics programme to ensure consistency in Early Reading. Our reception children learn and are assessed in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Continuous provision is well developed in Early Years and the children have wonderful enrichment opportunities in their classroom environment as well as access to the outdoor decking and muddy area. Our KS1 classroom has also fostered elements of continuous provision and the children have access to enhanced activities in dedicated areas of the classroom.
The entire teaching team work together continuously on curriculum design, this ensures we tailor the curriculum to our children and their needs. To find out more about how we organise the curriculum and follow it in our teaching and learning make an appointment and come and have a chat.